Many of my students often ask me, “Which is best, Soil or Hydro?”It’s an old question, but a very good one. And to be honest, there’s never going to be a definitive answer.
Lots of people have some very fixed opinions on this subject, people get stuck in their ways and become so busy preaching they forget to listen.
To try and answer the question it would be useful to take a closer look at some of the different aspects of growing your own marijuana.
Both approaches to growing your own wicked buds have advantages and disadvantages. Hydroponics (grown without the use of soil) can involve more equipment and the initial financial outlay may be higher, as are running costs with the necessity for pumps.
Soil can be a bit messier than hydro, and if you’re not careful, soil can harbour diseases and parasites.
Hydro gives you much more control over the entire growing environment and feeding.
Assuming that your water is pure, a hydro system allows you to know exactly what is going in to your plants and allows you to be able to make precise bud-enhancing adjustments accordingly.
A soil-based regime must obviously be the closest to the plant’s natural growing environment.
Flavour is another area of contention between advocates of either method. In this aspect the results are irrefutable, weed grown in soil tastes better.
It’s like the difference between those watery, cheap, greenhouse tomatoes and rich, ripe organic tomatoes.
It might be a subtle difference, but if we’re going to split hairs trying to find out which method is best, then there it is.
Many veteran grower’s unanimously agree, when it comes to getting your buds that quality taste, nothing beats organic rich soil.
Of course, in the modern, material world that we live in, value for money is the most important factor for many people.
A lot of growers insist that hydroponics will give the greater yield, however this is hard to substantiate.
Comparing yields can be futile as there are so many factors involved, not least the experience of the grower.
At the end of the day the skilled cannabis grower can achieve yields with soil that compare favourably with those of the hydroponic enthusiasts.
With so little to choose from between the two different methods, it may be useful to consider the ethical aspect.
A lot of growers, and tokers, feel an affinity with nature and adopt an ethical approach to all aspects of life.
The word ‘natural’ is used ad infinitum in arguments as to why cannabis should be legal and not classed together with other synthetic substances as a ‘drug’.
In this respect soil is the obvious winner. Soil is more natural and as such is the method of choice for the ethical smoker.
And there you have it, it’s a close run competition and both methodologies have merit and value.
Maybe we should just be happy with top quality cannabis however it is grown, I know I am.
But if we have to make a definitive choice, I for one would chose soil.
P.S. If you want more in-depth information on the big debate, be sure to check Ryan Riley’s Growing Elite Marijuana, The Complete Guide
What others had to say about Growing Elite Marijuana
“If you want to know anything and everything about growing your own potent bud, this is your ebook. Seriously, this guy goes in depth to explain things without making it overly complicated. Download this book.
-J., Denver, CO “
“This is THE BIBLE for all wanna-be cannabis growers out there. Do yourself a favour and get on board the do-it-yourself growing revolution that is erupting with this book. No need to waste your time or money on failed crops… Ryan will show you the way to grow effortlessly.
-R., India “
“I’ve been growing my own marijuana for about 12 years now and this book has allowed me to make fine-tunings that has made a dramatic effect on the quality of weed I’m now producing. A great resource for anyone out there… beginner or seasoned professional.
-J.A., Rotterdam, Netherlands “
“Incredible e-book. This is by far, the most complete guide ever written about Marijuana cultivation. The e-book is easy to read and well organized. I own almost every marijuana cultivation book ever made but this is
by far the best I have ever seen.
-B.P., Austin, TX “
“So much good stuff in here. Great for beginners if you plan on really getting in to it. Ryan is a genius.
-M., Santa Barbara, CA “
“Great book, lots of pictures easy to understand, every question you might have is answered in this book. Don’t grow without it!
-F.H., Germany “
“My daughter wanted this book to learn how to grow medical marijuana to treat people with ailments who are suffering chronic pain. The book has helped her endlessly and it is recommended to anyone who wants to grow amazing marijuana for themselves.
-Evan T., Manchester, UK “
Just yesterday I’ve completed my first crop since buying your extensive guide. And I’ve honestly never smoked anything so flavorful in my entire life, and the high was great, and my friends agree!
Without your guide, it literally wouldn’t have turned out this great. As in your guide, I did keep one of the females in a vegetative state to prevent it from flowering, so I could clone it if the crop came out good… which it did!
All of my friends are offering me money just to try their hand at growing with some clones from said mother plant.
All in all, thank you so much!
-W.A., USA “
“This eBook is wonderful. Not only is it concise, it explains the reasons for steps, and multiple warnings for avoiding various conditions. All in a very easy to read and easily understood format. written with a real Love for the Plant and the Subject. It covers all aspects and gives really good tips and hints. This book was by far the easiest to get into and understand what I was getting myself into. Its really like a “Dummies” book, but it contains more than you’ll even need.
-D.W., from Edmonton Canada “
“If you are growing marijuana GET this book!!!
-J.C., Boulder, CO “